Car Seat Help and Answers


  • Must live in Stark County
    • Don't live in Stark County, please visit this page to find where you can receive Car Seat assistance 
  • Must be at least 32 weeks pregnant and/or have a child from birth to 8 years old
  • Must participate in the WIC program or be income eligible for WIC / Medicaid
  • Access to a laptop, tablet, or smart phone with internet/ WIFI connection
  • Ability to pick up the car seat at our Canton office located at: 1718 Cleveland Ave. NW | Canton, OH 44703 

Every five years, a family is eligible to receive one seat per child. To receive the seat, the parent or guardian must complete an online educational session. A small donation is requested for the car seat.

The car seat course is called, "Car Seat Basics". This course is an all online self-pace course. 

To sign up, please call Jenna at 1-877-691-8521

Do I have to bring my child?
It is best if you do, as we fit the child into the car seat.

How much is the donation for a car seat?
We ask for $15, payable on the day of the class.

2 Types of Car Seats Available

evenflo Convertible Car Seat

  • rear-facing = 5lbs to 40lbs
  • forward-facing = 40lbs-65lbs 

evenflo Highback Booster Car Seat

  • 40lbs-120lbs
  • height = 44inch-57inch 

 What is Ohio’s Car Seat Law?

  • From birth to age 8, a child must be in a car seat appropriate for their age, unless the child is at least 4'9" tall
  • The car seat must adhere to federal motor vehicle safety standards and must be properly used
  • Children ages 8-15 must use a seatbelt
  • All vehicles must be equipped with seatbelts
  • The fine for noncompliance is $25 for firsrt-time offense, with possible jail time for a second offense 

Ohio Buckles Buckeyes

Ohio uses the fine money from violations of child restraint law to fund occupant protection education and provide car seats to families in need. The Ohio Buckles Buckeyes program is overseen by the Ohio Department of Health. Each county receives a set number of car seats at intervals throughout the year. These seats are distributed to families who live in Stark County and participate in the WIC program, or who are income-eligible for