Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) is a five-star quality rating and improvement system administered by the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. By September 1, 2020, all child care programs wishing to offer publicly funded child care had to be star rated. By July 1, 2025, all Centers and Type A Homes wishing to offer publicly funded child care must have a 3, 4, or 5 star rating.
As the Child Care Resource and Referral Agency for SDA 4, we can assist child care programs with their SUTQ needs. The Early Childhood Resource Center staff can provide technical assistance to help your child care program:
- Earn an initial star rating
- Maintain your current star rating
- Increase your star rating
The Early Childhood Resource Center offers many paths to a one star.
These paths include:
- In-person intensive technical assistance at your facility
- Technical assistance (TA) at one of our office locations during scheduled drop-in TA days.
- Technical assistance is available via telephone Monday-Friday 8:30
am to 4:30 pm.
- SUTQ 101 sessions
Our signature SUTQ Success Curriculum is designed to break down the seemingly overwhelming process of meeting the state’s quality standards into incremental achievements toward your star rating. It includes well-thought-out leveled technical assistance, professional development, and tailored supports.
SUTQ 101 Sessions focus on individual and small cohort technical assistance sessions provided to programs in the provisional phase of licensing and unrated programs who want to begin serving publicly funded children. SUTQ 101 is designed to include four work sessions and at least one onsite program visit. SUTQ 101 prepares programs to register for an initial star rating. Work sessions include review of the program standards, assistance to understand forms, introduction to topics such as lesson planning and the Early Learning Development Standards, entering information into the Ohio Child Care Licensing and Quality System (OCLQS), navigating the Ohio Professional Registry, and understanding how serious and moderate risk infractions affect participation in Step Up to Quality.
SUTQ 102 Sessions focus on the Step up to Quality one-star renewal process for
individuals and small cohort technical assistance sessions. SUTQ 102 is
designed to support programs in one work session. The work session includes
one-star document review, completion of program self-assessment, reviewing
lesson plans and the Early Learning Development Standards. Assistance entering
information into the Ohio Child Care Licensing and Quality System (OCLQS) is
the final step in the process.
SUTQ 103 Sessions are designed to support programs individually or in small cohorts that are working towards a higher star rating. This curriculum is created to prepare programs through four work sessions and a final onsite visit. SUTQ 103 is designed to work with the administrator and teachers in the program. As part of each session the program will receive instructions for both administrators and classroom teachers. Work sessions will include review of the program self-assessment, lesson planning, professional development plans and Early Learning Development Standards. Work sessions will then spend time introducing programs to topics such as classroom self-assessments, curriculums, child assessments, screenings, child portfolios, teacher observations, how to build community partners and transitions. Specialists will target programs that are currently rated 1-2 stars. Once programs are identified their unique needs are assessed to help create sustainable systems.
SUTQ SOS (Systems of Success) Sessions are available for programs that have a high number of serious and moderate risk points based on licensing inspections, are in danger of losing a star rating, and need help building systems to minimize the likelihood of serious and moderate risk points. Ohio Job and Family Services child care licensing staff are included in the first session to provide the training, “Building a Quality Program” and answer technical licensing questions. Three additional work sessions focus on building individual program Systems of Success to identify and prevent licensing infractions through a focus on strategies from the Job and Family Service Systems Guides.
Interested in learning more? Contact our SUTQ Coordinator at 330-903-0804.